How is the label awarded?


World-class Workplace is an employer excellence-label awarded to high performing organizations once a year. The label is solely based on the opinion of employees. In this article you will learn how the label is awarded. 

Scores & Response

The WCWP label is awarded based on 2 criteria:  The score on eNPS and Employer Excellence, and the response rate.

Score: A company’s Top2Box score on eNPS and Employer excellence need be above the Global Employee Engagement Index (GEEI) benchmark.

Response: A minimum employee response rate of 30% is necessary. 

Note: Dutch organizations are compared with the Dutch GEEI, German organizations with the German GEEI and all other organizations with the Global GEEI.  ​

What is the GEEI?

The Global Employee Engagement Index (GEEI) is a global benchmark. Every year Effectory conducts a global labour market scan using a representative sample for 56 countries. Employees from all over the world give their opinion in a global employee survey, about their employer, working environment, manager, colleagues, organisation, their understanding of their role in the organisation, and more.

This huge amount of data gives us valuable insights into the current global labour market. Moreover, we are able to compare the results between countries and continents, enabling us to understand what drives employees in a certain country and what holds them back.

What is Top2Box?

A Top 2 Box is a way of summarizing the positive responses from a likert scale survey question. It combines the highest 2 responses of the scale to create a single percentage score that indicates the % of respondents that reacted positively to the question (agree or strongly agree). 

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