Correlations Report

What is it?

Correlation analysis is a statistical method that helps understand how two variables are related. It tells us how strong the relationship is and whether it moves in the same direction (both increase or both decrease) or in opposite directions (one increases while the other decreases).

With Effectory, this correlation analysis is done on the questions and themes within the survey. It allows you to determine how these questions and themes evolve in relation to each other.

It's important to note that a correlation analysis does not say anything about the causality between items, but only if there is a connection between these two.

When is this useful?

Effectory surveys are about positive employee emotions and work characteristics. This means that the correlations are almost always positive and high. This analysis helps with the question, "Which items should I look at first?“

This correlation matrix provides you with answers to questions such as:

  • What items have the highest correlation to Employer Excellence?
  • Can you tell me what items correlate with the question "My work gives me energy"?

What do you receive?

A complete correlations report (Excel report) to see correlations between all themes and questions.
In addition to this report, a visualization can be requested at additional costs.

Available in the Results + add-on or if separately stated in your contract.

Available for Central Coordinators and Local Coordinators.

Please note that the following thresholds need to met in order be able to receive this report:

  • Minimum number of participants: 50
  • Minimum response count: 30
  • Minimum response rate: 60%

If you have any further questions, please contact the Effectory helpdesk.

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