Results Access settings

Sharing survey results with relevant stakeholders is a crucial step in the employee listening journey. My Effectory offers two powerful features to help you manage this process, ensuring that the relevant insights reach the right people at the best time. By seamlessly integrating Results access and Results release settings, you are given the ability to tailor the release of your survey results to your organization's specific needs.

What are the Results access settings? This article will cover everything you need to know about the Results access settings, which enable you to determine who should have access to your survey's response rate and results. For more information about the Results release settings, which let you configure when and how the results are being shared, please refer to this article instead.


The benefits of the Results access settings

With the Results access settings in My Effectory, you can ensure that survey insights are shared effectively, facilitating informed decision-making and driving positive change. This powerful feature offers several benefits:

  • Full control over who always has access to the results.
  • Straightforward communication when sharing results with stakeholders.
  • The flexibility of granting and restricting access without time constraints.


How it works

Group coordinator settings vs. Results access settings

  1. The Group coordinator settings operate on a project level: Group coordinators that you already defined in the Group coordinator overview of the project will automatically be applied to the surveys created within the project. Changes you make to these project-level settings will not be applied to a survey as of twelve hours before it launches.

  2. The Results access settings operate on the level of a specific survey. You need these settings when:
    • You want to manually change who has access to a survey less than twelve hours before it launches
    • You want to manually change who has access to completed or already running surveys: You can add or remove result access coordinators for surveys in any of these states directly from the Results access settings.


What do coordinators listed in the Results access settings of a survey see?

  • They always see the response rate of the survey.
  • They only see results after the chosen release date (in the Results release settings).
  • They only see results for the group(s) they are linked to (and the underlying groups).


How to set up the results access

Once a survey is active, the survey creator and Central or Project coordinators can access these settings:

  1. Log into My Effectory and access your project from the Projects tab.
  2. In the Survey status tile, click on View all surveys.
  3. Select the running or completed survey for which you want to manage access to the results.
  4. In the Sharing results tile, click on Results access.
    > You are presented with an overview in which you can adjust access to the results for this specific survey.

The overview displays all coordinators who have been granted access to the survey's results based on the Group coordinators page. Additional coordinators can be assigned per level by clicking on the + icons. You can also revoke access or resend invitation emails by clicking on the three dots next to already assigned coordinators.


Results Access settings for Local Coordinators

Other Local coordinators can also link additional coordinators in ongoing or completed surveys, although only for the parts of the structure they have access to. To do so, they can follow the steps below:

  1. Log into My Effectory and access the right project from the Projects tab.
  2. In the Survey status tile, click on View all surveys.
  3. Find the running or completed survey for which they want to manage access to the results.
  4. Click on the three dots icon on the right-hand side.
  5. Select Manage result access.
    > An overview will show the parts of the group structure the user has access to and the coordinators currently linked within them.


As in the case above, additional coordinators can then be assigned by clicking on the + icons. It is also possible to revoke access or resend invitation emails by clicking on the three dots next to already assigned coordinators.

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