
1. Service levels published here set forth the terms and conditions under which Effectory Holding B.V. (‘Holding’), Effectory B.V. (‘Effectory NL’), and/or Effectory Deutschland GmbH (‘Effectory DE’) (hereinafter together referred to as: 'Effectory') will provide services to its clients, as more specifically described in the agreement for (subscription) services (the 'Agreement').

2. The service levels indicate quality of service commitments valid for the duration of the Agreement.

3. Included are Effectory products and services provided by Holding, Effectory NL and/or Effectory DE offered via a subscription plan.

4. Effectory reserves the right to update service levels due to new or changing circumstances that were not yet known or available at the time of drafting a previous version. Effectory will inform its clients when these updates are impactful.

5. Current and previous versions of the SLA are published online and also available upon request.

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