Service levels for web applications

1. Web applications included:

2. Web applications are available at least 99.50% per year.

3. Scheduled downtime, communicated at least 2 weeks prior, is excluded from the availability service level, e.g. for migration, maintenance, or upgrade.

4. 95.0% of web application response times are within 2.0 seconds, given these connection conditions:

  • From Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland), and Denmark, Sweden, Finland, or Norway.
  • Using an internet line of at least 50 Mbps.
  • Calculated as Time-to-First-Byte.
  • Excludes any latency beyond control of Effectory, e.g. when using a private VPN.

5. Web application service levels are valid when technical requirements on are met.

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