How to navigate My Feedback?

This article is part of Effectory's resources on My Feedback. 

My Feedback is a tool designed to help you, the respondent, gain valuable insights from your survey results. It allows you to view your answers and compare them with those of your team and your organization.

Watch the instruction video on My Feedback below.

My Feedback

  • You can see your personal answers compared to your team, benchmark, and any additional information chosen by your organization.
  • What is shown here is dependent on the options chosen by your organization. Your results reflect exactly how you responded.

Team Results

  • This overview compares the team's results to previous survey scores, the total score, and the benchmark.

How to read the results

The symbols that show how your answers compare to other scores mean the following: 

 mceclip0.pngYour response is more positive than the response of the compared group
mceclip1.pngYour response is equal to the average of the compared group
mceclip2.pngYour response is more negative than the response of the compared group
mceclip3.pngNo comparison could be made


Read more about how to read the coloring of relevant differences in scores in the following article: How to read the coloring of scores?



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