Deletion of columns during manual employee data uploads
My Effectory detects missing columns when a file is being uploaded. A pop-up gives the user the option to delete some or all of the missing columns or proceed keeping all of them.
Updated employee data file template
With this revamped tool and the fresh Employee data section on our support page, you can navigate the intricacies of employee data management with confidence. The Employee File Template now includes:
- A Welcome sheet with a general introduction.
- An Instructions sheet with a sample dataset and:
- Updated explanations per variable.
- Onboarding and Exit categories.
- And a whole lot of links to the support page!
- A My employee data sheet, with updated column headers to match those used in My Effectory.
Find the new employee file template in the Upload step of the employee data import. Available in English, Dutch, and German.
Updated manager data requirements
We've also simplified the process of collecting and mapping manager data. Moving on, you only need to include Manager e-mail address in your employee data.
Multi-factor authentication enabled by default for all user types
We have enabled multi-factor authentication by default for all user roles. Access your Security settings in the Organization tab to determine which user roles should be required to keep using MFA.
E-mail invitation for coordinators
We have added the option to send a notification e-mail when adding new Result access coordinators in an ongoing or completed survey.
Pre-generate printable invitations
It is now possible to generate printable invitations as soon as the survey is planned, rather than as of 12 hours before the survey launch date.
Custom design for printable invitations
The primary color, logo, and custom introduction you pick for your survey's e-mails are now also applied to printable invitations.
Extend surveys more than once
There is no longer a limit to the amount of times a survey can be extended.
Correlating questions for the Engagement theme
The Engagement theme insights in the results dashboard now also shows the five questions with the strongest correlation.
General results dashboard and report improvements
We have made some general improvements on the results dashboard and reporting, among which:
- Distribution of answers on a five-point scale.
- Coloring of theme scores in reporting documents.
- Improved design for Likert scale question insights.
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